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Showing posts from December, 2018

20181222 Week 15: Lesson 5 Chinese character "大" / Review Chinese character 早,人,日,月,小 and what color is it?

This is a quick review of what we learn this week. If you miss the class, please catch up. Lesson 5 大熊大 大熊大   dà xióng dà   dà xióng dà Big bears are big 大熊愛爬樹 dà xióng ài pá shù 天天笑哈哈 tiān tiān xiào hā hā  Big bear love to climb tree and laugh everyday. Ha!Ha!Ha! Practice with the song: Practice writing "大" : (you can also practice all the Chinese characters we had learned on this website) Today's Review:  1. Lesson 4,6,8,9 Chinese character 人,日,月,早,小 (See Week6,7,10,13,14 ) 2. What color is it? (See Week2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We made Christmas tree today! 聖誕樹 Christmas tree shèng dàn shù  聖誕快樂 Merry Christmas shèng dàn kuài lè 

20181215 Special Event: Christmas Tree Decorate

We had decorated Christmas tree last Saturday!  Here are some photos of the happy kids! 聖誕樹 shèng dàn shù  Christmas tree

20181215 Week 14: Lesson 6 Chinese character "小" / Review Chinese character 早,人,日,月,一~十

This is a quick review of what we learn this week. If you miss the class, please catch up. Lesson 6 大朋友小朋友   dà péng yǒu xiǎo péng yǒu  Big friends, little friends 點點頭握握手 dà péng yǒu  xiǎo péng yǒu  Nodding heads and shaking hands 你三歲我四歲 nǐ sān suì wǒ sì suì  You are three and I am four 我們都是好朋友 wǒ men dōu shì hǎo péng yǒu  We are all good friends Practice with the song: Practice writing "小" : (you can also practice all the Chinese characters we had learned on this website) Today's Review:  1. Lesson 4,6,8,9 Chinese character 人,日,月,早 (See Week6,7,10,13) 2. Chinese character 一~十 (See Week2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 小雪人 xiǎo xuě rén     small snowman We d

20181201 Week 13: Lesson 10 Chinese character "早" / Review What's your name? How old are you? Lesson 4,8.9 Chinese character 人,日,月

This is a quick review of what we learn this week. If you miss the class, please catch up. Lesson 10 刷刷牙  shuā shuā yá   Brush your teeth 漱漱口  shù shù kǒu Rinse your mouth 早睡早起身體好 zǎo shuì zǎo qǐ shēn tǐ hǎo  Early to bath early to rise keeps your body healthy Practice with the song: Practice writing "早" : (you can also practice all the Chinese characters we had learned on this website) 老師早 lǎo shī zǎo   Good morning teacher 小朋友早 xiǎo péng yǒu zǎo   Good morning kids 媽媽早 mā mā zǎo   Good morning mom 爸爸早  bà bà zǎo   Good morning dad Today's Review:  1. Lesson 4,8,9 Chinese character 日 (See Week6,7,10) 2. Chinese character 一~十 (See Week2) 3. What's your name? How old are you?(see week11,12)

20181201 Week 12: How old are you? & Christmas song / Review What's your name? Lesson 4,8.9 Chinese character 人,日,月

This is a quick review of what we learn this week. If you miss the class, please catch up. 你幾歲?nǐ jǐ suì  How old are you? 我四歲  wǒ 4suì  I'm four years old 我五歲  wǒ 5suì  I'm five years old 我六歲  wǒ 6suì  I'm six years old Today's Review:  1. Lesson 4,8,9 Chinese characters 人,日,月 (see week 6,7,10) 2. What's your name? (see week 11) This is how to pronounce their Chinese name below: ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- 聖誕歌 shèng dàn gē Christmas Song 祝你聖誕快樂  zhù nǐ shèng dàn kuài lè Merry Christmas to you 祝我聖誕快樂  zhù wǒ shèng dàn kuài lè Wish me a Merry Christmas 祝大家聖誕快樂  zhù dà jiā shèng dàn kuài lè Merry Christmas to everyone 大家聖誕快樂  dà jiā shèng dàn kuài lè Merry Christmas to everyone 雪花飄阿飄  xuě huā piāo ā piāo Snow fluttering 星星眨阿眨  xīng xīng zhǎ ā zhǎ A blin